Sunday 22 April 2012

Febu's Pink Room

Sunday, 22nd April, 2012, 22-00 hrs, homefront.

I liked this.
A friendly morning was satanding at the doorstep.

My food last night was eaten by an army
Of big red ants.
I felt a hole in my stomach. The door was alone.
Was bashing with wind like a middle aged salad seller.
The morning was bright, alone & a little creative.
An adorable Hello kitty picture hanging from the pink wall.
Girl pink.

Pink was not the favourite colour ever.
But now, I live in the pink room.

I have been told, Obama likes that room
For his meetings in the White House.
The same name.
I felt proud of that.

I knew, if he could talk, little Febu, the brown rat,
Who lives in this room in a glass box
He would have claimed
He is no less than Barack Obama.

As, nobody is small, none is big
This is the acceptable doctrine
The democracy should prove
Febu = Obama
Obama = Febu.

Let him.
I liked that too...